Aldermans to participate in Plymouth Apprentice Recruitment Fair
On Saturday 7th March Aldermans will be joining at least 17 other Plymouth companies in a quest to find the city’s next generation of manufacturing apprentices.
The Plymouth Apprentice Recruitment Fair has been organised by PMG (the Plymouth Manufacturers’ Group) to encourage students to appreciate the opportunities a manufacturing apprenticeship can bring, and the long-term career paths which can follow.
On Saturday 7th March Aldermans will be joining at least 17 other Plymouth companies in a quest to find the city’s next generation of manufacturing apprentices.
The Plymouth Apprentice Recruitment Fair has been organised by PMG (the Plymouth Manufacturers’ Group) to encourage students to appreciate the opportunities a manufacturing apprenticeship can bring, and the long-term career paths which can follow.
It is a little-known fact that one in eight people in Plymouth works in manufacturing, more than in any other city in Southern England – hence the opportunities for career progression and diversification are vast.
The event has been timed to coincide with National Apprenticeship Week, a campaign to promote the benefits of apprenticeships for individuals and the business community as a whole.
Students and parents alike are welcome to attend, which will be held at Plymouth Guildhall, starting at 10.00am and continuing until 4.00pm.
“We have always been very keen to create opportunities for apprenticeships at Aldermans,” commented MD Karen Friendship. “Our founder, Bill Alderman, began his career as an engineering apprentice here in Plymouth; and many of our long-serving staff completed apprenticeships too. We know that the skills and principles learned during an apprenticeship stay with the person throughout their working life, which is why we’re committed to giving our apprentices the best possible foundation here.”
So what does it take to be a good engineering apprentice?
“Firstly, there must be a commitment to learn,” said Karen. “Also, in a smaller manufacturing team such as ours, an apprentice needs to be flexible and get involved wherever they are needed – which is, of course, the best possible way for them to broaden their skills!”
Those interested in pursuing an apprenticeship at Aldermans can visit the event on the day: no pre-registration is required. Alternatively please email us, with a CV, to express your interest.
More information about the event can be found at http://mypmg.co.uk/Events/
Read about a day in the life of an Aldermans apprentice – click below.