Another three years! Successful ISO recertification, with no non-conformances.
It was twenty-one years ago that Aldermans first achieved certification to the ISO 9001 quality management standard. The perfect way to celebrate such a landmark, of course, is to achieve recertification for the seventh time – and with zero non-conformances!
In 2017 we extended the scope of our management system to include environmental management and occupational health and safety; and hence we proudly hold triple certification to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
In order to achieve our triennial recertification to these three standards, we underwent a rigorous auditing process to evaluate the effectiveness of our systems. This involved a comprehensive review of the company’s policies, procedures and processes, as well as interviews with employees at all levels of the organization.
The auditing process was undertaken, as always, by Alcumus ISOQAR who were on site from 6th to 8th March. Lead auditor Gerry Staunton commented: “This was an excellent Re-Certification audit for all three standards, the system is fully compliant and very effectively controlled, there is clear and visible interaction between the management teams and the rest of the workforce with plenty of participation being recorded throughout, the system itself has up to date policies and procedures as well as excellent monitoring, measuring and results linked to KPI’s and objectives for the company, provision of service is well controlled from sales enquiry through to completion, delivery and feedback.”
Successfully completing this recertification demonstrates our ongoing commitment to maintaining high standards throughout our processes. These standards shine through in all the work we undertake for our customers; as well as how we strive to minimise our environmental impact and protect the health and safety of staff and visitors alike.